The Year In Review – 2023

All That Was Written & Created

At the end of the year, I always feel like I didn’t accomplish much when it comes to my ‘writing career’. I’m not making money on the gig. In fact, I’m usually in the red by a couple hundred dollars. I’m certainly not famous! But those things don’t mean nothing was accomplished. There will be some repeats from the last post in November, but bear with me.

In March Wacky Jackie, my sixth Children’s Book, was released. I also began a year-long journey with Postcards From Barnesville, a monthly free audio short story release over on my YouTube channel.

Gertrude Phyllis Wiggins, aka Gertie, debuted in April on my TikTok channel. She underwent some tweaks and changes and by May had been joined by Birdie – though he didn’t start taking an active speaking role until the end of June. Gertie & Birdie have become a favorite duo and hopefully they’ll be back with more bad jokes and strange observations in 2024.

I submitted a couple short stories for consideration in anthologies this year. It’s something I rarely do because it’s hard for me write anything based on a prompt or theme. This, apparently was not the case for one of my submissions. Clean Up Before She Comes (Back), was accepted by Book Slayer Press for their Spring 2024 Negative Creep: A Nirvana-inspired Anthology. More news on an actual release date when it’s known to me.

Probably the biggest accomplishment of 2023 was FINALLY finishing the next Barnesville Mystery after five years in the making, Death at The Devil’s Elbow. At this writing, it’s out with some Beta Readers and feedback is starting to trickle in. I’m hoping it will be ready this spring and, like “Negative Creep”, I’ll get that date out there as soon as I know it myself.

Last but not least, when it comes to writing, was some non-fiction, My Journey West: The 1871 Travel Journal of Eudora Boughton Legg. Eudora was my great-great-great grandmother on my mother’s side. Prior to my grandmother’s passing in 2001, she gifted me a typed copy of the journal. Where she got it, who typed it, I have no idea. Since receiving it, I’ve wanted to do more with it, wanted to make it accessible to others who might be interested. It’s done and ready to go after the holidays have gone on their merry way and I feel more with it to hit that publish button.

When it comes to non-writing projects, there’s one I’m particularly proud of – my Whimsi-Goth Fairy Jar. I posted three videos of its creation over on YouTube and I hope you’ll pop over there to check it out. It’s something I’ve wanted to create for at least ten years and finally made the time and felt inspired enough to actually do it.

Of course, there are a slew of other projects – both writing and non-writing – that I started in 2023 that did not get completed. A dozen short stories, another miniature project, more Gertie & Birdie scenes, at least two more Children’s books – all at various stages in the process. I got a wonderful set of art supplies from my mother-in-law at Christmas time that I’d love to work with.

And that’s it. Quite a few releases are coming in 2024, hopefully more of those short stories started in 2023 (and 2022) will finally see their endings. I’d love to get another book of twisted fairy tales out, but that, like everything else, will happen as it happens. I don’t rush my writing. I don’t push my muse to create, create, create.

Places We Went, Things We Did

In January, I got a new tattoo, my fourth. It’s of crescent moon upon which sits a crow – in silhouette – and inside the moon’s curve the words, “There is no greater MAGIC in all the world than that of LOVE.” Love it! Been wanting a crow and that saying as a tat for a long time so it was nice to figure out a way to incorporate them into one.

For February, my husband and I got plastered. No, not the alcoholic kind of plastered, the plaster kind of plastered. I got one of those kits where you can make a casting of your hands or feet or whatever you fancy. So, for Valentine’s Day weekend we held hands and put them into some pink rubbery goo that then became the mold for the casting. I painted it and though it didn’t come out exactly as I’d envisioned, it’s still pretty cool.

My ‘baby girl’ turned 30 in March, and my dad turned 80! What the actual f#$@!?

In April, it was off to the Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, NY. I hadn’t been here since a grade school field trip too many years ago. We spent a good many hours here and I saw a red and black sculpture featuring a shattered glass chandelier and stuffed crows. It was, of course, my favorite. Who’da thunk glass could be so interesting.

On and off throughout the summer, we got covered in some Canadian fog from their wildfires. Strange days indeed. Back to wearing masks any time we went outside on and off. And, oh, the stank!

Of course, then there was the Berkshire Blueberry & Books Festival in July. Sales were okay despite the crowd being very, very small this year.

In August, one of my Second Moms passed away, Joann Dyer, the mother of one of my best friends from school who I’ve known since at least first grade (1972). I spent so much time at their house. What a great lady and one who will be sorely missed for a very long time.

Also in August, my husband and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary and took some time to go to Jamestown NY to visit the DesiLu Museum – all about the lives and careers of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. Admittedly I’ve never been a HUGE fan of Lucille Ball, but I did grow up watching “I Love Lucy” and my Nana Jean just loved her. While in Jamestown, we also went to the National Comedy Center and found Lucille Ball’s grave.

The highlight of September was finally getting the last massive pieces of the maple tree we had cut a year ago, removed and hauled away. Three guys with three chainsaws had that cut down into manageable pieces, and loaded into the trailer in about an hour.

I actually dressed up in a costume for Halloween at work this year. Good old Gertie & Birdie made their first public appearance and had those that met them in stitches. Back home that night, Gertie & Birdie handed out candy. So, a good day and night was had by all.

November was quiet and mundane. Thanksgiving at my parent’s place. And for December we headed down to Texas to visit and stay with my husband’s mother for a week. It was a bit more stressful than usual due to some family things going on down there, but still nice to escape the dreary wet cold of New York for a bit. My husband’s mom turned 88 while we were there. I think she was pretty happy to have us there for that.

Went to The Garage from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre (We Slaughter Barbecue) which was delicious! And also made a trek up to Waco to check out Magnolia Market – which was STUNNINGLY expensive! Won’t be going there again, I tell you what! Home just two days before Christmas – barely enough time to get the laundry done, a few groceries bought, and finish up Christmas shopping and the like. Dinner at my parents’. Four days later, I turned 58. YIKES!!!

And now, just one more day left of 2023 and two before I have to go back to work after being away since Dec. 8th. Nearly a whole month! Gosh, it’s been glorious not having to get up at 5 in the morning and go into the office. Retirement can’t happen soon enough.

Here’s to being more visible here on the blog scene as I was so woefully absent in 2023, and a Blessed & Productive & Joyous 2024 to you all.